Praise Him yall!!! I hope you all have been doing great! God is definitely awesome. I've been going through a little bit but my Jesus is still faithful! I've been emotional because I've been dealing with a lot of personal issues, in my home, at the job, in my career... but through it I feel the Lord telling me to stand still and see His salvation. As you all may or may not know, I am a HUGE Vickie Winans fan. I have a concert of hers on DVD and I was watching it last night, and in the middle of her selections she stopped and talked and she mentioned a song that she'd sung in the past called No Cross No Crown. And she basically talked about how you're gonna go through sometimes and no matter what you do people WILL talk about you. You have to go through some things in order to get to the blessing, in order to get to the promise, in order to get to your goal. That was just a confirmation because on Sunday my vocal coach said that this is the road to becoming successful. Long suffering. It's one fruit of the spirit that we tend to want to over look or bypass; but if everything was just given to us easy, we'd have no relationship with the Savior. There would be no need for Him because everything would be good; but because we suffer, we learn to love, to depend, to seek and trust HIM!!! Glory to God.
I've been sad and discouraged, but through all of this I KNOW that I will reap if I faint not. All I have is Jesus, and all I need is Jesus. Though this is not a blog posting of something fun, or an event but this is real life. This is my walk with Jesus until we meet. I just want to encourage you that as long as you live you will go through something that doesn't feel good. You WILL hurt, but if you keep your trust in Jesus and faithfully follow HIM, it will all be worth it when He says Well done, my good and faithful servant. There is a key that I've learned recently and it is too keep it real. I think that my mother's favorite saying because she always says it; but I've learned that if you keep it real with Him, you allow Him to freely work on your situation. With denial and doubt, you just slam all doors to recovery from any situation. The pic I have posted up is of me and my cousin Tee Tee at the Nets basketball game. I put it up because I feel like it's a real pic of me. No glamor, no glitz, no make up, my hair isn't even done. I want be real with God so I can be real with me, and in turn be real with you. So let's keep it real saints, so we ALL can make it to the Kingdom of God!!!!!
Pray for me as I pray for you all!!!
Jenise LaVonne
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