Dec. 11, 2008-Open Mic @ The Sugar Bar
Dec. 18th- Street Music Entertainment Concert @ Harlem Lanes
Dec. 21, 2008 Chinese Evangelical Church Queens, NY
December is looking so far to be a great month and an awesome way to end another GREAT year. If you would like to book me for and event, appearance, interview etc., please contact me via e-mail, as I am putting together my 2009 schedule. In the e-mail please include
e-mail/telephone #:
date/time, and any other details or comments that you may have.
Love you all!!! Continue to keep me and this ministry in prayer as I do the same for you!!!
Jenise LaVonne
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Weekend Schedule
Alright guys here's the LOW down for my weekend to come.
Thursday and Friday night I will be in the GYM!!! -These past couple of weeks have been a little busy so I'm trying to maintain a consistent schedule with going to the gym. LOL
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Rehearsal from to 2-5pm
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I will be at the Village Underground
Lola's Restaurant NYC (possibly) 1:30-3pm
Gospel Brunch/Album release for Marvin Winans Jr.- I'm not 100% sure if I'm going to attend this event. We'll see.
Bookings and other Inquiries
If you would like to book me for and event, appearance, interview etc., please contact me via e-mail, as I am putting together my 2009 schedule. In the e-mail please include Name, e-mail/telephone #, event, venue, date/time, and any other details or comments that you may have.
Thursday and Friday night I will be in the GYM!!! -These past couple of weeks have been a little busy so I'm trying to maintain a consistent schedule with going to the gym. LOL
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Rehearsal from to 2-5pm
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I will be at the Village Underground
Lola's Restaurant NYC (possibly) 1:30-3pm
Gospel Brunch/Album release for Marvin Winans Jr.- I'm not 100% sure if I'm going to attend this event. We'll see.
Bookings and other Inquiries
If you would like to book me for and event, appearance, interview etc., please contact me via e-mail, as I am putting together my 2009 schedule. In the e-mail please include Name, e-mail/telephone #, event, venue, date/time, and any other details or comments that you may have.
Jenise LaVonne
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Praise Him Saints!!!!!
Praise Him yall!!! I hope you all have been doing great! God is definitely awesome. I've been going through a little bit but my Jesus is still faithful! I've been emotional because I've been dealing with a lot of personal issues, in my home, at the job, in my career... but through it I feel the Lord telling me to stand still and see His salvation. As you all may or may not know, I am a HUGE Vickie Winans fan. I have a concert of hers on DVD and I was watching it last night, and in the middle of her selections she stopped and talked and she mentioned a song that she'd sung in the past called No Cross No Crown. And she basically talked about how you're gonna go through sometimes and no matter what you do people WILL talk about you. You have to go through some things in order to get to the blessing, in order to get to the promise, in order to get to your goal. That was just a confirmation because on Sunday my vocal coach said that this is the road to becoming successful. Long suffering. It's one fruit of the spirit that we tend to want to over look or bypass; but if everything was just given to us easy, we'd have no relationship with the Savior. There would be no need for Him because everything would be good; but because we suffer, we learn to love, to depend, to seek and trust HIM!!! Glory to God.
I've been sad and discouraged, but through all of this I KNOW that I will reap if I faint not. All I have is Jesus, and all I need is Jesus. Though this is not a blog posting of something fun, or an event but this is real life. This is my walk with Jesus until we meet. I just want to encourage you that as long as you live you will go through something that doesn't feel good. You WILL hurt, but if you keep your trust in Jesus and faithfully follow HIM, it will all be worth it when He says Well done, my good and faithful servant. There is a key that I've learned recently and it is too keep it real. I think that my mother's favorite saying because she always says it; but I've learned that if you keep it real with Him, you allow Him to freely work on your situation. With denial and doubt, you just slam all doors to recovery from any situation. The pic I have posted up is of me and my cousin Tee Tee at the Nets basketball game. I put it up because I feel like it's a real pic of me. No glamor, no glitz, no make up, my hair isn't even done. I want be real with God so I can be real with me, and in turn be real with you. So let's keep it real saints, so we ALL can make it to the Kingdom of God!!!!!
Pray for me as I pray for you all!!!
Jenise LaVonne
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Not Work related but...
Just wanted to send a Congrats out to Carnell "Cadillac" Williams (RB of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers) on the speedy recovery of his right knee. Last September Carnell
tore his patellar tendon, ending his season. Later that week he had
reconstructive surgery and had been rehabbing it until Oct. 22, 2008
when he rejoined his teammates back on the practice field. He was placed on the PUP list for six weeks up until
yesterday when he was activated back onto the 53 man roster. Congrats sweetheart!!! I pray that you have a successful season and a continued blessed recovery!! The Tampa Bay Buccaneers are 6-3, hoping to make that 7-3 this Sunday against Adrian Peterson and the Vikings.
tore his patellar tendon, ending his season. Later that week he had
reconstructive surgery and had been rehabbing it until Oct. 22, 2008
when he rejoined his teammates back on the practice field. He was placed on the PUP list for six weeks up until

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
You Go Girl!!!! CD of the Month
Bold Right Life is this months CD!!! You Go Girl is what I have to say to Ms. KiKi. As a young singer myself I can really appreciate the process that we go through developing our voices and even our spiritual walk. Growth is what Ms. Kierra
Sheard exudes throughout this entire album. She
ain't little Ki Ki anymore. I was especially grateful for this album because there have been to many times that I've picked up a gospel CD and it turned out to be the exact opposite. Kierra sings songs suitable for every crowd on this album. She does what I do and what I like to call Christ Conscience Music. It's fun, upbeat, catchy and exciting but all the while it hits you with a message that is undeniable. Thank God for Jesus, there is hope for gospel music yet!!! GLORY!!!! Wonderful Wonderful job. As my brother would say, "It has the WORD and it Ministers" and allows you to get up and enjoy the music all at the same time! God Bless you Kie, and Keep up the great work. You and you bro JDS (producer/singer/songwriter) have an amazing formula so go with it and allow God to guide you! If you don't have it.. GO GET IT!!!! For more info on Kierra Sheard go to
Jenise LaVonne
Sheard exudes throughout this entire album. She

ain't little Ki Ki anymore. I was especially grateful for this album because there have been to many times that I've picked up a gospel CD and it turned out to be the exact opposite. Kierra sings songs suitable for every crowd on this album. She does what I do and what I like to call Christ Conscience Music. It's fun, upbeat, catchy and exciting but all the while it hits you with a message that is undeniable. Thank God for Jesus, there is hope for gospel music yet!!! GLORY!!!! Wonderful Wonderful job. As my brother would say, "It has the WORD and it Ministers" and allows you to get up and enjoy the music all at the same time! God Bless you Kie, and Keep up the great work. You and you bro JDS (producer/singer/songwriter) have an amazing formula so go with it and allow God to guide you! If you don't have it.. GO GET IT!!!! For more info on Kierra Sheard go to
Jenise LaVonne
GRITS "Reiterate" Album Release Party

Last Night I attended Grits' 'Reiterate" album release party. I had such a great time and the guys are true gentlemen. It was in a chic little hotel in Manhattan with a very hip and upbeat attitude. Listening to the album was a whole different experience. This project was definitely a lot different then their others. A lot of fun beats and great lyrics infused with the sounds of many different artists such as Brit Nicole(I'm a big fan), Martha Munizzi, TobyMac, Revolution Art artist JADE, and so many more. Great Great job fellas. I will definitely be having this album in my collection of christian party songs... lol. As I told Grits producer Mo Henderson, with all the different sounds you can definitely dance to it. I really like it (and I'm not even a big christian rap fan). Once again fellas, great job and thanks for all the hospitality!!!!!
Love yall
Jenise LaVonne
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
If you're not on your Jesus Tip... then you need to Step ya Game Wayyy Up!!! Congrats President Obama 08!!!

Lord I just want to thank you!!! GLORY TO JESUS!!! November 4, 2008, I walked into the Jacob Riis Community Center across the street from my house to exercise my right as a an American citizen for the first time. The feeling that I had was of much pride and honor. To look around and see not only the faces of my black beautiful people, but to see the legacy that our forefathers have left for us; to see that what they fought, died, cried, got beating for, begged, and prayed for, to see it unfold right before my eyes was AMAZING!!!! I praise God, that I am here to witness history and to even be apart of it. This election has brought so much hope and pride and love and unity among ALL people, and because of that you CANNOT tell me that this is not the doing of THE MOST HIGH GOD, JESUS CHRIST!!!! GLORYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! LOL.. excuse me but this is just so wonderful. I have never heard in my life so many of my friends, saved and unsaved, worshiping and blessing God!!! I praise God for the events that have taken place because it's all leading up to the return of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ!!!! So saints... if you're not on your Jesus Tip, or How my Pastor Apostle Lymus Johnson says it, "If I've never believed the Bible, I believe it today because it is fulfilling right before us." GLORY TO GOD!!!! So if you don't know Jesus.. I urge you to get to know Him because the signs are being shown and the word is definitely fulfilling. Let us all continue to rejoice in the Lord, look to Jesus and lift up or NEW PRESIDENT Barack Obama and his family in our prayers as he does the will of the Lord.
Jenise LaVonne
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