So I'm sitting at work and I'm just thinking about my career, my life... you know the usual. I know many times I get so anxious about my music and "getting out there" but I've come to the conclusion that when it's my time, it's my time. I've know that for a long time now but I believe that the truth of it has finally settled in my heart and now it's up to me to continue to work hard and pursue. The Lord gave my brother a word and he was kind enough to pass it on to me, so I'm going to pass it on to you. "Use your resources, and Bank on Faith"!!! Every year I've heard people claim that the new year was theirs and all that they've wanted to do will happen this year. My resolution (if you want to call it that), for 09 was to no longer fear, procrastinate, prolong, or do anything that will hinder me from doing God's will and following my dreams. It's been a little bit of a struggle so far, to not back track and fall into the same old methods of doing things but as the song goes, No Cross No Crown. So whatever it is I desire to do in the will of God, it shall come to pass. I'm putting full forth efforts, I'm not back stepping, and I am accepting all that God has made me and all He is making me to be!!!! I look to be blessed on every end before 2009 is out!!!! I pray that you all are blessed abundantly this year and that you Use your Resources, and Bank on Faith!!!!
Love yall
Jenise La Vonne
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